Expert Education for
Professionals & Families
About Dr Liz Geriatrics
With only 3500 practicing geriatricians serving more than 59 million people over 65 in the United States, Dr Liz feels a sacred duty to educate elders and those tasked to care for elders. Dr Liz Geriatrics is an education and advisory organization, providing effective, interesting, (and sometimes entertaining) knowledge to those on the front line caring for elders.
Dementia Care Education
for Individuals
Other than the elder themselves, you are the person closest to the aging process. Spouses, partners, sons and daughters. Nephews and nieces, family friends.
You might completely specialize in eldercare, or it might be a small (but important) part of your practice. Accred: NASW/NACCM/CA Nursing Board
The legal web around an elder includes the guardian, fiduciary, estate professional, and other lawyers. Accred: Center for Guardianship Certification/CA Professional Fiduciaries Bureau.
Dementia Care Education
for Management
Assisted Living
Skilled Nursing
You are in charge of an Assisted Living Facility or Skilled Nursing Facility. You are worried about not just your own knowledge, but also that of your organization. Accred: RCFE
You are responsible for guiding the elder and their loved ones through the end of their lives. Accred: NASW/CA Nursing Board
Meds Matter
Dementia remains a difficult, and poorly understood, area of medicine. We present our experience here in the hope that this will begin a discussion of drugs that may help dementia patients. This is simply our professional perspective, developed after a review of the medical literature and years of practicing geriatrics.
Featured Videos
“He couldn’t talk. He couldn’t walk. He looked vacant. And he didn’t interact. It was not an easy time and then he was also suicidal.”
Come watch a very typical example of Dr Liz’s care. See how she reduces medications and improves communication. And observe how she improves quality-of-life for everyone involved.
Can a Person with Dementia Drive a Car?
Can Diet Reverse Dementia?
Sundowning & Agitation: What is it?