Expert Geriatrician

Addressing Challenges over 50 and Dementia Care

TeleHealth. Community. Education

Portrait of senior man in wheelchair using laptop at retirement home with nurse assisting him

Caregiver Support

Dr Liz Geriatrics provides a moderated conversation space for families, caregivers and eldercare professionals to address the needs and challenges they see in their daily lives. Get the tools & resources you need to support your loved one.

Portrait of senior man in wheelchair using laptop at retirement home with nurse assisting him

Navigating Dementia

From diagnosis to behaviors and medications, get EXPERT advice. Discover how the effects of some medications and alcoholism can resemble dementia. Learn about diagnosing dementia and the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s.

eldercare professional

ElderCare Professional

DLG provides cutting edge, front-line training to improve care today.  Social workers, nurses, care managers, assisted living or skilled nursing staff, fiduciaries and lawyers need a special skill set to work with elders and people with dementia.

Dementia Doctor

Success Stories

“He couldn’t talk. He couldn’t walk. He looked vacant. And he didn’t interact.”

See how Dr. Liz works with families in the most challenging situations to minimize medications, relieve pain and calm agitation without sedating. Bruce was mute and bedboud but soon went home from the nursing home, went on a cruise and then resumed his duties as a deacon in the church.

Living in The Moment: A Guide to Overcoming Challenges and Finding Moments of Joy in Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias

“Other books address how to speak and care for those with dementia. This guide gets into the difficult bits; how to diagnose dementia when the behavior is strange, but the MMSE is 26/30, or what meds look like dementia, relieving pain, calming agitation without sedation, resources for help, what should hospice provide… All the things the doctors should help with, but do not know”
Ann Miller

Dr Liz Geriatrics

Giving the power back to the patient and caregivers through support, education, consulting, and telemedicine.

dr liz
DLG Community

The DLG Community is a place for families, caregivers, and eldercare professionals to get help and comradery for the thorny issues not addressed in other places. What to do when behavioral interventions do not work? My family has left me alone to care for mom, help! My husband is in horrible pain and they keep giving him Ativan for his agitation. My dad is on 40 medications and sleeps all day.

We have seen it all. There are answers.

DLG Education

DLG Education offers training modules with CEUs available to address the knowledge and skills needed to care for elders and those with dementia. Our courses are a convenient way to improve your level of care. These easy-to-understand courses are also available in Spanish.


Dr Liz, a geriatrician, specializes in challenging cases, unrelieved pain, too many medications, too many doctors, agitation or lethargy from the wrong meds. She has cared for people with dementia who have been evicted from communities…denied admission to assisted living…sedated from too many medications…suffering from unrelieved pain…seeing multiple doctors, but failing to find one that cares for the whole person, losing their ability to engage and actually enjoy their days. Dr Liz reviews the whole person. She talks with the elder, the family, the caregivers, nurses and other doctors. As a result, she minimizes medication, relieves pain, calms agitation without sedation and works to restore function — walking, talking, engagement and joy. Click here for details.

Care Consulting

Managing the care of a partner or relative with dementia may be one of life’s most difficult challenges. It can’t be done—not for long, anyway—under exhaustion, isolation, personal anxiety, and professional chaos. As a result, caregivers often get so burned out that their physical and emotional health suffers. A geriatrician can help balance the competing demands of the patient, family, and caregiver.With dementia care consulting, setbacks can have positive outcomes, and life can continue to bring love, joy, and fulfillment.

Featured Blogs

Tapering Off Sedatives

Tapering Off Sedatives

Some recent studies show that nearly one out of eight adults in the US is prescribed a sedative (benzodiazepine). These are medications like Valium (Diazepam), Ativan...

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