for Elders

for Elders

Finding a primary doctor is tough these days. Finding one of the roughly 3,500 practicing geriatricians in the US is even tougher.

Finding a geriatrician who specializes in challenging cases, unrelieved pain, too many medications, too many doctors, agitation or lethargy from the wrong meds? That’s hitting the jackpot.

Dr Liz has seen it all.

She has cared for people with dementia who have been evicted from communities…denied admission to assisted living…sedated from too many medications…suffering from unrelieved pain…seeing multiple doctors, but failing to find one that cares for the whole person, losing their ability to engage and actually enjoy their days.

Minimize medication. Treat pain. Relieve agitation.

Dr Liz reviews the whole person. She talks with the elder, the family, the caregivers, nurses and other doctors. As a result, she minimizes medication, relieves pain, calms agitation without sedation and works to restore function — walking, talking, engagement and joy.

We know that emergencies don’t only happen between 9-5. We’re available night and day. We’re set up for the needs of elders and their families.

Contact us today.


Medical, Behavioral, Functional, and Pain Problem Solving

Elizabeth Landsverk MD
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Colleen Hagan
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Yana Rudakov RN
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Finding a primary doctor is tough these days. Finding one of the roughly 3,500 practicing geriatricians in the US is even tougher.

Finding a geriatrician who specializes in challenging cases, unrelieved pain, too many medications, too many doctors, agitation or lethargy from the wrong meds? That’s hitting the jackpot.

Dr Liz has seen it all.

She has cared for people with dementia who have been evicted from communities…denied admission to assisted living…sedated from too many medications…suffering from unrelieved pain…seeing multiple doctors, but failing to find one that cares for the whole person, losing their ability to engage and actually enjoy their days.

Minimize medication. Treat pain. Relieve agitation.

Dr Liz reviews the whole person. She talks with the elder, the family, the caregivers, nurses and other doctors. As a result, she minimizes medication, relieves pain, calms agitation without sedation and works to restore function — walking, talking, engagement and joy.

We know that emergencies don’t only happen between 9-5. We’re available night and day. We’re set up for the needs of elders and their families.

Contact us today.


Medical, Behavioral, Functional, and Pain Problem Solving

Elizabeth Landsverk MD
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Colleen Hagan
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Yana Rudakov RN
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