Managing Behaviors
Often the most challenging part of caring for a person with dementia is the baffling, and at times frightening behaviors. We are wired to try to explain, to reason, to cajole others to affect others and their actions.
As dementia, be it Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body, Alcoholic, Frontal (Frontaltemporal), Vascular or Traumatic Brain Injury the usual approaches will not work.

So, it’s critical to remove any problematic medications. I often find that if problem medications are not recognized, then other medications are added to treat the side effects of the first medication… bringing additional side effects. A common problem is that some antipsychotics, such as Haldol or Risperdal have stiffness as a side-effect, appearing like Parkinson’s Disease.
Then, Parkinson’s meds are added… that increase dopamine and the elder may become more delusional and paranoid. The better step is to stop the first medication and address the symptoms by engagement, treating pain and educating caregiver to be patient, calm and engaging.