Elderly individuals with Alzheimer’s disease present a unique set of caregiving challenges. This article will explore some of the ways to provide optimal Alzheimer’s care for an elder. We will also discuss the importance of creating a support system for both the elder and the caregiver.
Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that affects millions of people worldwide. As the disease progresses, the individual’s ability to care for themselves diminishes. This can be difficult for families and caregivers, who must now learn to cope with the new changes in their loved one’s life. However, you can do many things to help make this time easier for all involved. Read on to learn more.
Tips for Alzheimer’s Care
- Keep the elder’s routines as similar to their previous day-to-day life as possible – even just establishing a routine helps them feel in control
- Create a comfortable environment for them by adding things they like, such as pictures, pillows, and music – also, be aware of temperature and lighting – a well-lit home is happy, and keeping lots of blankets around allows them control over their comfort
- Try to make it seem like they are in control of their own lives by letting them do what they want when they want (within reason)
- Be patient, gentle, and understanding as you care for them
- Make sure to talk with your elder about their feelings about what is happening in their life at this time
- Make sure to have a care plan in place
- Avoid arguments or conflicts with the person
- Keep track of their medications, doses, and when they are taken
- Keep the elder’s surroundings as familiar as possible
- Provide a calm and quiet environment
- Listen to what the older person is saying, even if it doesn’t make sense at first glance
- Encourage the elder to participate in activities they enjoy and are familiar with
- Keep track of what triggers episodes so you can try to avoid them when possible
- Keep your home as tidy and uncluttered as possible to prevent
- Encourage the elder to stay active by doing things like gardening, cooking, or going on walks
- Be patient with their memory problems – don’t get frustrated when they forget something you told them 10 minutes ago
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it
- Make sure they are eating enough food to maintain their weight
- Keep them up to date on the news and world events, so they don’t feel left out
- Help them stay active with hobbies, games, or puzzles that stimulate their mind
- Think of activities as for the mind, the body, and the heart
- Create a schedule for the day and stick to it, with regular mealtimes and activities
- Encourage them to talk about their memories – these are often what bring happiness back into their lives
- Get creative in the kitchen! Cook up some of their favorite dishes and let them help you prepare food if possible
- Be prepared for outbursts of anger – try your best not to take it personally and remind yourself that this is just a symptom of the disease
- Stay calm and be patient – be understanding when they forget something, repeat instructions if needed, and don’t rush them into any decisions or tasks
- Take care of yourself
- Understand the person’s needs – even the act of trying to understand goes a long way
- Find a balance between independence and assistance
- Allow for time in the day when you can just be together with your loved one
- Allow for time in the day when you can just be by yourself, with nobody asking you for anything
Dr. Liz Can Help with Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care
If you have a loved one struggling with Alzheimer’s or dementia, knowing how to best care for them can be challenging. Thankfully, Dr. Liz is here to help. She has years of experience in providing dementia and Alzheimer’s care, and she can help you create a care plan that will meet your loved one’s needs. Don’t struggle alone – contact Dr. Liz Geriatrics today at 650-357-8834 x1.