Dr Liz Geriatrics Education
Dementia training is required for many eldercare professions. I’ve had to do it. But how helpful is it really? DLG Education gives you front-line information to apply today.
Understanding the challenges that people with dementia face will help you understand what you need to do to help them. We take it step-by-step and have developed modules that tackle the thorny questions that other training overlooks: The over-treated UTI, when to call (not fax!) the doctor, the difficult discharge, and more.
Falls, Agitation, Insomnia, Parkinson’s Disease: We know which topics are important when it comes to caring for frail and vulnerable elders who can get sick quickly – or hurt because they have lost safety awareness.

“Dr Liz’s courses have given me the steps to take now to prevent falls in my residents… not just the falls scale to measure risk. Also which medications to watch out for, what to do to actually relieve pain and help those with Parkinson’s disease. It’s not just sitting in front of a computer for 60 minutes to get my CEUs.”

Our courses are convenient and easy to understand. Subtitles are available in Spanish (coming soon). Improve your level of care in the biggest communities, or in rural areas that have little health care support.
We’re here for you.