Ativan and Dementia
Sedatives like Ativan/Lorazepam (benzodiazepine class) are prescribed to one in eight Americans. Women and elders are three times more likely to be given a long-term prescription, which is not recommended.
We know that Ativan’s side effects in the elders are worse than for younger people.
Ativan Dementia Agitation
Just look up Ativan Dementia Agitation; it causes all sorts of problems. For those with Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy Body disease, alcoholic dementia, frontal dementia, and vascular dementia, it exacerbates mood swings, confusion and of course, the addiction and withdrawal symptoms.
Elders end up much worse, with behavior, function, and medical complications than if they had not started the Ativan.

Lorazepam Side Effects in Elderly
Sue had been using Ativan/Lorazepam occasionally when she was anxious or could not sleep. She started to get more sleepy during the day (a Lorazepam hangover) and so her doctor gave her a nightly dose. She became more irritable in the afternoon and so the doc had her take the dose twice a day. Then she started to forget exactly how much of her medications she had taken and at times would take double the dose… or none at all. On the days she took none, she would get angry, paranoid and accuse the neighbors of taking her mail (that was on the table). She would call the police with similar reports. If she took too much she would be more confused and fall more often. Her daughter finally had enough.
It may seem hopeless to improve outcomes for elders with serious behaviors…. But it is not. The first step is to get more information and support on the steps to get rid of the wrong medications for your elder and find the medications that will help. Join our Community.