Fabulous Over 50

Turning 50 is kind of a milestone, and for women often does not bring better things.

I got divorced at 48 and was shocked to find out that women over 50 are considered “too old” to be desirable in the dating market (see the blog on Dating Apps).

Dr Liz Geriatrics provides guidance to keep yourself strong, independent and enjoying life.

fabulous over 50

I met Jane, a lovely 75 year old woman on the plane who was going back to break up with her 80 yo boyfriend, he became increasingly loud and aggressive at the bridge games ( I suggested screening for dementia or medications).

She had wise words for me, starting out dating at 48 (50 adjacent),

“Be careful, as an older woman dating… they see you as a nurse or a purse”.

Very good point. I wanted to have a place to have these conversations on what really goes on for people as they pass 50.

So I have as part of the DLG Community, “Fabulous Over Fifty“.

Not a unique title, but a place to discuss…

  • osteoporosis,
  • vaginal dryness,
  • testosterone,
  • financial steps for security,
  • how to decrease the risk of dementia,
  • is Ozempic the cure of everything,
  • does Turmeric do anything?

Really, whatever comes up as a concern is on the table.

Of course, as with the whole DLG Community, it is moderated, and inappropriate comments will be blocked. We want it to be a safe space to talk about life in the “Mature Years”. Life is not over, I just learned to scuba diver last year and saw a 72 yo woman, who then needed an extra tank for her emphysema dive with the rest of the group.

Life after 50 takes a little more planning, a little more work. We are here to provide support and information to stay strong, independent and enjoy one’s journey.

fabulous over 50