How We Help

My mother had been educated at Mt Holyoke, creative, funny. However, by her sixties, she was delusional, mean, not caring for herself. My medical career took a detour to help her out. Frontal dementia and neuropathy left her chairbound, angry and in pain. After working as a community internist, I returned for a geriatric fellowship at Mt Sinai Medical School, a national leader.

I learned new skills to help keep elders more independent, treat pain and most importantly (personally) how to address agitation and psychosis.

For the last 20 years I have provided house calls in the San Francisco Bay Area. Now, I provide TeleHealth in California. I have created Dr Liz Geriatrics to address the needs of people over 50, and those caring for elders and people with dementia.

I am distressed to see that it is harder to see a primary doctor, that fewer geriatricians are being trained. In rural areas, any healthcare is more difficult to obtain.

DLG Community

Boomers are turning 80. As we hit that milestone, our risk of chronic illness and especially dementia increases to more than 40%. These days, it is hard to find a physician to address the needs of elders… let alone a geriatrician, seasoned care manager or geriatric nurse specialist.

We have all three! Welcome to DLG Community. A place for families, caregivers and eldercare professionals to address the needs and challenges they see in their daily lives.

DLG Community

“Dad is acting strange, but the doctor says his testing 26/30 is normal… now what? What does that even mean?

“He has not been acting normal since his medications were changed. Is that a medication reaction?”

“He is giving $100s to the new caregiver, on top of her salary. I have been told he has the “right to folly”, but he does not have savings to spare. Help.”

“Mom is still in pain and is only given Naprosyn after a hip fracture. She is irritable and gets Ativan, so is sleepy. Can’t we help her?”

Family Caregivers

We provide a moderated conversation space for families/caregivers and another for eldercare professionals (but anyone can join either) to address topics that don’t get addressed locally.

We provide 2 support groups (Zoom) a month, run by seasoned care managers, nurses, and geriatricians.

We provide a monthly (Zoom), “Ask Dr Liz: A Geriatrician can Help”. To have a Geriatrician address the challenges that do not seem to get resolved.

There are solutions. We have seen it all.

DLG Education

In addition, we will have DLG Education, training modules, with CEUs if needed to address the knowledge and skill set needed to care for elders and those with dementia. Written by a seasoned geriatrician and dementia expert. Frontline knowledge for nurses, social workers, fiduciaries, RCFE staff, SNF staff, care managers, and Adult Protective Service teams. Geriatrics and particularly dementia care is not addressed in detail in professional school. Expert clinical information to use today to improve outcomes, decrease liability and makes care easier.

DLG Education

Falls, Agitation, Insomnia, Parkinson’s Disease. Furthermore, we know which topics need urgent information to help care for frail and vulnerable elders who can get sick quickly.

Convenient, easy to understand (with Spanish subtitles coming soon) to improve care at the biggest communities, or out in rural areas that have little health care support. We are here for you.

Living in the Moment Book

living in the moment bookLiving in the Moment: Overcoming Challenges and Finding Moments of Joy in Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias. From Elizabeth Landsverk MD, a dementia expert.

Dr Liz writes clear step-by-step explanations of what dementia is, the types of dementia, getting a diagnosis, what medications can look like dementia and cause problems, treatments for dementia and Alzheimer’s, how to plan, addressing financial abuse, getting help, care challenges, treatments for agitation, pain and red flags needing immediate attention. E-book, Audible and Paperback.



Finding a primary doctor is very tough these days. Finding one of the 3500 practicing geriatricians in the US is much tougher.

Finding a geriatrician who specializes in addressing challenging cases, unrelieved pain, too many medications, too many doctors, agitation or lethargy from the wrong medication, is hitting the jackpot.

Visit Telehealth.

Dr Liz has seen it all.

She has cared for people with dementia who have been evicted from communities, denied admission to ANY assisted living, sedated from too many medications, suffering from unrelieved pain, running between many doctors… but have none that care for the whole person, losing their ability to engage and enjoy their days.

Dr Liz reviews the whole person, talks with the elder, the family, caregivers, nurses, other doctors, minimizes medication, relieves pain, calms agitation (without sedation), and works to restore function, walking, engagement and joy. Really.

We know that emergencies don’t happen only between 9-5.  We are available night and day.

We are set up for the needs of the elder and the family. Open to elders in California

Dementia Care Consulting

Dementia Care Consulting helps families navigate the challenges of caring for a loved one with dementia. Dementia Care Consultants provide personalized guidance on care plans, behavior management, home safety, and caregiver support.

Caregiver Resources

It is not easy knowing where to get help, what help is needed and what equipment can make care easier… as well as improve the comfort and safety for the elder. We have collected the go to equipment we use, and the resources we have found helpful. It takes a village.


It takes a village to care for an elder. It takes an elite force with in-depth knowledge, skill and perseverance to care for an elder with dementia. You know what I mean. What we were taught in medical school, nursing school covers the basics; but not the day to day challenges we see on the front line.

From misdiagnosis to mis-medication, to untreated pain, too many doctors and medications, aggression, psychosis, sedation, falls, pressure ulcers, and suffering. We are there to make things better. Dr Liz has dedicated her career to caring for the elders with the most challenging medical and behavioral symptoms.


Often seemingly minor issues need urgent care, such as change in behavior or ability.  Last night Joe was found to have a blood pressure of 80/60 and poor gait, Sue was sedated and not eating well for a day. These are situations that cannot wait for a doctor to schedule an office visit in 3 weeks. They both required action immediately. Neither went to the hospital, but with team assessment, and provider discussion with the family, the care plan and medications were changed to address the needs of the elder with follow up in a few days.

Fabulous over 50

Fabulous Over 50

We are the sandwich generation. We are working, caring for our children, our parents and the first Tuesday of the month, we get an afternoon off. Men and women are often caring for others, but not themselves.

Fabulous over 50 is for us.

Having gotten divorced and being a single working mom for a decade, I did not take time for my health (did not eat as well, nor exercise as I had when I was younger), nor many outside interests or just time for R&R. It caught up with me. I had health issues, gained weight, lost sleep, and my strength. That said, I was not caring for a parent at home, the elders I care for are at work… not in my home; so it is a lower degree of difficulty than those caring for elders daily. My elder care is remote, complicated, but not a daily challenge.

Fabulous over 50 is the place to discuss medical issues – osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, testosterone benefits and risks, financial concerns, and all other topics that come up. In my 40s I heard the founder of OK Cupid speak on Dating and that women over 50 were basically washed up. News to me! Speaking with girlfriends helped me focus on what I wanted to do next and not worry about any expectations.

After I took 3 sets of medical boards in 5 weeks (not recommended), I went on a trip with a SF outings group to Thailand and Cambodia. Their website showed happy 20 yo looking people… and I was 47. I was welcomed and had an unusual, but exciting low cost adventure, which was just what I needed. This is the place to talk about things for us middle kingdom people. Join us.

You are not alone. You cannot do it all alone. We can help.

Find ideas and others in community.