Divorce Later in Life

Divorce Later in Life

Divorce is never easy. As a geriatrician, I obviously can’t discuss every single factor that leads to it later in life. What I can discuss, however, are the issues that I’ve personally seen in patients that cause challenges for them, their marriages, and their...
Beware Of Internet Scams

Beware Of Internet Scams

Alas, grifters have always been with us. Just think of the saying, “If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you!” That saying has its roots in a con more than a century old: George Parker (1860-1936) became famous for “selling”...
A Will Is Not Enough

A Will Is Not Enough

In America, we don’t like talking about mortality. Nor do we like planning for it. About 60 percent of us die without a will. This is a tragedy. Lack of planning can lead to all kinds of problems as the end of life approaches. If you’re not clear about...